Church of the East declares stance against same-sex marriage, external fertility procedures

Yasmeen Altaji | May 20, 2024

The Assyrian Church of the East adopted an official stance against same-sex marriage and some external fertilization treatments in a statement Sunday.

The office of patriarch Mar Awa Royel III issued a statement declaring an official stance on marriage and “human sexuality” that referred to gay marriage as “grave sin.” According to the statement, any ranking church official who “attempts to bless” a same-sex marriage will be “utterly stripped of any priestly rank”.

The same statement also said the church “cannot condone” fertilization that occurs for those unable to conceive naturally.

“Actions such as the production of embryos outside of the body” are condemned by the church, according to the statement. The church’s definition could include procedures like in vitro fertilization (IVF), a common conception option for individuals with fertility issues, in the ban.

The Word could not independently confirm whether this is the first time the church has made a public, unified statement of its stance on gay marriage or fertilization procedures.

At the time of publication, the church did not respond to The Word’s request for comment.


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